Anime Characters Database Birthdays

Of course due to the many series out there not to mention the many new series airing each season this list is far from complete.
Anime characters database birthdays. Search over 100 000 characters using visible traits like hair color eye color hair length age and gender on anime characters database. The visual search engine for all animated characters. My current list includes not only anime characters but also manga and game characters as well as creators and voice actors.
Visual search live series finder. Search over 100 000 characters using visible traits like hair color eye color hair length age and gender on anime characters database. Anime birthdays this section of the site features my current list of anime and manga character birthdays.
Scrolling down from. Now a fan produced website has compiled a database of anime birthdays allowing you to plug in your own to see which characters you could conceivably share a cake with. Welcome to anime characters database.
We index anime subtitles to offer you a fun way to learn japanese. Called kyaratan a mashup up of kyarakuta character and tanjobi birthday the site currently has data for almost 10 000 anime characters available here. Then i started wondering which anime characters were born on the same day as me and i began combing artbooks and web pages for all the birthdays i could find.